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What is an addiction?

An addiction is a biopsychosocial disorder characterised by repeated use of such things as drugs or alcohol or repetitive engagement in a behaviour despite harm to self and others such as gambling, sex.

What is an intervention?

An intervention with a professional is an intense, structured and focused meeting where the individual will be asked to face their loved ones. They will hear about the care and love for the individual but also how their addiction has impacted others around them. The purpose of the intervention is to motivate the individual to seek help and prompt them toward long-term change.

Intervention is a proven successful process that has enabled many people to receive treatment for addiction when they have refused to seek help for themselves. It is based on the belief that it is not necessary for that person to reach a level from which they may not come back when a well prepared and organised group of family and friends can overcome any objections to obtaining the help required. Interventions have saved the lives of thousands of people battling with serious addictions and more people than ever are seeking professional for interventions.

Why use a third party to hold the intervention?

Being emotionally attached and overwhelmed can compromise the ability to find successful solutions. An unbiased professional is able to see things much clearer. The intervention process helps families see from a different perspective.

Interventions should be structured and carefully planned in order to be effective in the best-case scenario. Discussing addiction with somebody who is experiencing substance abuse or compulsive behaviour issues can often evoke an emotional response.

Where will the intervention take place?

The intervention is usually in somewhere familiar to the individual. This environment creates a safe place for all. We do have others who prefer to have the meeting in a set location this is also something that can be easily arranged.

When is an intervention necessary?

Considering an intervention is a difficult and emotional decision. It is often the last resort following the failure of informal discussions and gentle encouragement to seek help. There are usually red flags that show that an intervention is necessary. One or more key signals that an intervention is required is if a person's financial situation, personal life, social life or work life is being negatively impacted. Other less obvious signs of an addiction that is escalating are secretive behaviour, legal or financial problems, excessive borrowing of money, problems at work or school, a lack of motivation and an increasing indifference to activities that the individual previously enjoyed.

How does the intervention work?

- The first step is having a telephone consultation. This is a free discussion where you can see if an intervention is the right course of action.
- Once a decision has been made to engage in an intervention the referrer can gather an intervention team. This can compromise friends, families, work colleagues etc. The group will think about what they want to say to the individual and have looked at options for rehabilitation or community support.
- An initial meeting with the intervention group takes place the day before the intervention.
- The day of the intervention everyone is present together. The session is managed by the intervention mediator giving all parties the chance to talk, listen and be heard.

To execute a well-planned intervention, it is also extremely important to be prepared for the potential that the person will refuse treatment. In this situation, it is important to decide on the backup plan that will be used to encourage the person to make the right decision and seek help.

Additionally, being educated on different treatment programs and methods can help achieve a successful intervention. Choosing the appropriate rehabilitation service and treatment type is the most effective way for a person to overcome addiction. Understanding their specific problems and who they are as a person is fundamental in choosing the correct treatment plan.

How much are rehabilitation services?

The cost of live-in rehabilitation services around the UK starts from £1,000 per week. Prices fluctuate, with many private rehab centres charging up to £10,000 per week. While interventions do have a high success rate in terms of getting addicts to seek treatment, you should know that just because your addicted loved one might agree to access help, there is no guarantee that he or she will continue with treatment until the end. So in this respect, an intervention is only deemed successful if the addicted person does end up going for treatment.

What is the goal of an intervention?

The goal of an intervention is to get a loved one to accept that a problem exists and to access a programme of treatment. Beyond that, the intervention aims to help all family members and friends air their feelings in a bid to begin the healing process. When it comes to finding the right time to talk, it is important that you make sure all participants can attend. It may be challenging to get you’re the individual there, especially if you have not pre-warned him or her about the intervention.

A date is set when you know that everyone is available. The intervention is a time for family members and friends to show the addicted individual that they love and support him or her. It is not a time to punish, berate, or judge the addict for his or her actions. It is therefore important to make a point of using warm and open body language. This will make the individual feel more secure and it might help to reassure him or her that he/she is not being vilified.

What happens if things get overwhelming?

Since an intervention can bring up facts that might be upsetting to the individual as well as to other participants, there is the risk that tempers could flare. The intervention mediator manages the process throughout. There may be times that participants take a time out briefly. The intervention is a respectful, caring and structured environment where everyone gets an opportunity to talk and be herd. It is essential that those involved know to stay calm and collected at all times, even if the individual is getting agitated and angry.

It is highly likely that the individual enters the intervention very reserved with their guard up and feel that everyone is against him/her and may disagree with everything that is said. However, even if the person is adamant about not having a problem or needing help, you should continue with the process and not give up.

What happens if the individual walks out?

You could find that your loved one flat out refuses to get help, no matter what you or others have to say. This might not be the disaster you think it is though. In many cases, addicts will leave an intervention with no intention of getting help, but what often happens is that a seed has been planted and, with time, he or she may begin to realise the damage that is being done.

How long until they can go to rehabilitation after the intervention?

If you have done your research and have lined up possible treatment options, your loved one could begin a programme of detox and rehabilitation within hours. Some families/friends have a range of support options for the individual ranging from rehabilitation services to community programmes and international services.

We have tried everything why will this help?

Most families, when hearing how an intervention works, are fearful that it won’t work for them. This fear is usually based on their experience of failed attempts. Families usually try a variety of techniques including making threats, guilt trips, begging and pleading. Families try all of the above because they are desperate and they have had enough of the situation and desperately want change. The method of intervention brings the loved ones of the individual into a room in a managed way. It allows the individual to listen but also be heard. There are options, support and solutions presented to the individual. Interventions can be very emotive, empowering and cathartic for the family and individual. It has been proven that if families seek help and support for themselves and agree on a united plan of action with the interventionist, the individual is more likely to receive and accept help.

How much does an intervention cost?

At Wright Mediation the cost for an intervention is £1750. An intervention is held over 2 days. The first day is the consultation with the family and close friends and sets the stage for the formal intervention. On the second day, the intervention takes place. The goal of intervention is to present the person with a structured opportunity to accept help and to make changes before things get even worse.

For a discussion, advice or to book an intervention call us today.

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